Ten Equipment Leasing Tips

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

According to the Equipment Leasing Association (“ELA”), U.S. businesses lease every thing from laptop computers to commercial airplanes, racking up more than $ 200 billion in equipment leased each year. Although four out of five U.S. companies use leasing to acquire equipment, many don’t know the ins and outs of leasing well enough to negotiate a good deal. By focusing on a few key aspects of the lease transaction, you can save a bundle on your next lease and eliminate potential aggravation.

1. Choose the Right Leasing Partner
2. Choose the Right Lease
3. Ask for Fair Market Value ‘Caps’
4. Keep the End-of-lease Notice and Renewal Periods Short
5. Slash Interim Rent
6. Manage Equipment Returns
7. Match Lease Term with Projected Equipment Use
8. Identify and Understand All Potential Fees
9. Offer Credit Enhancement to Reduce Lease Rates
10. Request Several End-of-lease Options

Conclusion :- Saving a bundle on your next lease is a cinch if you know where to look. By focusing on a few key areas, you can wring huge savings out of your lease. Remember to set your priorities in evaluating lease proposals and to choose the right leasing partner. Also, while front-end lease pricing is usually a high priority, evaluate each lease carefully to sniff out hidden fees and expenses. Don’t be bashful about negotiating points in the lease that have the potential to save you a bundle.

Posted by Shipra Mishra at 1:15 AM  


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